Mw 6.8 Near Islands, Aleutian Islands
updated 22 August 2021

On 2 June 2017 a strong earthquake occurred at the Near Islands, Aleutian Islands at a depth of 10 km. The seismic event occurred at 22:24:47 UTC and had an estimated moment magnitude (Mw) 6.8.

Three planetary alignments from 29 May to 1 June preceded the earthquake, while Earth was lining up with Venus and Uranus. The Mars-Earth-Saturn alignment already caused a strong earthquake as it usually does. It was followed by two additional alignments involving Mercury, Venus and outer planets, of which theSun-Mercury-Neptune alignment generates the highest amount of electromagnetic energy and as a result is often seen preceding larger earthquakes, especially when Venus is involved as well. Larger seismic activity could have occurred and must be anticipated following this planetary geometry. The earthquake occurred after the lunar peak that followed on the critical planetary geometry. Of note is the Moon's alignment with Neptune while Mercury was lining up with the Sun and Neptune.

Mars-Earth-Saturn         2017-05-29,  6:28:57  265°29'48"
Mercury-Venus-Saturn      2017-05-31, 20:37:42  261°42'46"
Moon-Earth-Neptune        2017-06-01, 17:44:48  343°58'00"
Sun-Mercury-Neptune       2017-06-01, 23:06:13  342°01'46"
Earth-Venus-Uranus        2017-06-03,  7:33:45   26°51'51"
SSGI chart
SSGI depiction of planetary (PG) and lunar (LG) geometry


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