Mw 7.1 Santiago del Estero, Argentina
updated 9 November 2022

On 14 August 1950 a major earthquake occurred in Santiago del Estero Province, Argentina at a depth of 610 km. The seismic event occurred at 22:51:26 UTC and had an estimated moment magnitude (Mw) 7.1.

On 14-15 August 1950 seismic activity peaked as a result of critical planetary and lunar geometry converging on both days. The Venus-Mercury-Mars alignment on the 14th was followed a day later by Earth-Mercury-Saturn. While the New Moon occurred on the 13th, more crucial was the Moon's opposition with Jupiter and conjunction with Saturn on the 14th and 15th respectively. In addition, Mercury and Venus made 90° angles on the 13th, most notably Mercury with Earth and Mars. This major earthquake was followed half a day later by a great earthquake in Assam-Tibet.

#MoonJupiter #MoonSaturn #Mercury90 #Venus90

Venus-Mercury-Mars        1950-08-14, 15:18:14  256°35'03"
Earth-Mercury-Saturn      1950-08-15, 13:53:46  169°31'51"

Mercury: Earth-Mars       1950-08-13, 12:48:02   90°00'00"
Sun:     Venus-Saturn     1950-08-13, 13:08:00   90°00'00"
Sun:     Mercury-Jupiter  1950-08-13, 13:18:16   90°00'00"

Earth-Moon-Sun            1950-08-13, 18:06:10  141°06'04"
Moon-Earth-Jupiter        1950-08-14, 18:14:14  334°39'59"
Earth-Moon-Saturn         1950-08-15, 20:18:26  169°33'43"
Earth-Moon-Mercury        1950-08-15, 20:50:52  169°52'23"
SSGI chart
SSGI depiction of planetary (PG) and lunar (LG) geometry

SSGI chart
SSGI categorized sum of basic critical geometry