Mw 6.0 Eastern New Guinea Region, P.N.G.
updated 30 November 2022

On 28 April 2022 a strong earthquake occurred at Eastern New Guinea Region, P.N.G. at a depth of 10 km. The seismic event occurred at 13:21:14 UTC and had an estimated moment magnitude (Mw) 6.0.

Critical geometry occurred a day earlier with the planetary conjunction Earth-Venus-Neptune, converging with a high lunar peak. Seismic activity could potentially have reached magnitude 7 in the days following, but this earthquake was the only strong seismic event, the first since 21 April.

Mercury-Sun-Saturn        2022-04-24,  2:31:16  318°04'24"
Earth-Venus-Neptune       2022-04-27, 19:10:30  354°09'53"

Earth-Moon-Venus          2022-04-27,  4:21:31  353°28'01"
Earth-Moon-Neptune        2022-04-27,  5:35:44  354°08'52"
Earth-Moon-Jupiter        2022-04-27, 10:40:41  356°56'23"
SSGI chart
SSGI depiction of planetary (PG) and lunar (LG) geometry