Mw 6.6 Cyprus Region
updated 13 January 2022

On 11 January 2022 a strong earthquake occurred in Cyprus Region at a depth of 25 km. The seismic event occurred at 01:07:49 UTC and had an estimated moment magnitude (Mw) 6.6.

Critical planetary geometry occurred 8-10 January, most notably Venus-Mercury-Saturn and Sun-Venus-Earth. In addition lunar geometry peaked index 17 on the 11th due to critical angles involving outer planets. A warning was issued for possible larger seismic activity, potentially higher 6 to 7 magnitude, most likely to occur 10-13 January. See also the Telegram post below.

Venus-Mercury-Saturn      2022-01-08,  0:49:59  312°57'10"
Sun-Venus-Earth           2022-01-09,  0:41:37  108°25'00"
Sun-Mercury-Uranus        2022-01-10, 10:46:22   43°13'00"

Earth-Moon-Jupiter        2022-01-06,  2:31:48  331°15'58"
Earth-Moon-Neptune        2022-01-07, 12:14:18  350°29'33"
Earth-Moon-Uranus         2022-01-11, 11:48:03   40°32'09"

Earth:   Moon-Mars        2022-01-11,  0:41:03  135°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Neptune     2022-01-11,  1:53:12   45°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Uranus      2022-01-11, 11:48:03    0°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Saturn      2022-01-11, 16:20:05   90°00'00"
SSGI chart
SSGI depiction of planetary (PG) and lunar (LG) geometry