Mw 7.0 Alaska Peninsula

updated 28 September 2023


On 14 August 2021 a major earthquake occurred at Alaska Peninsula at a depth of 10 km. The seismic event occurred at 11:57:42 UTC and had an estimated moment magnitude (Mw) 7.0.

The estimated primary trigger of this seismic event is a series and convergence of planetary conjunctions from 9 to 11 August 2021.

A series of 5 planetary conjunctions occurred from 7 to 11 August. The first conjunction on 7 August was with Venus, the Sun and Uranus, which was anticipated to initiate the strong electrical currents that were expected to peak around 10 August. The Next planetary conjunction occurred on 9 August with the Sun, Mercury and Mars. A critical convergence of planetary conjuctions followed on 10 August. The first conjunction with Venus, Earth and Neptune occurred just after midnight. The second conjunction with Mercury, the Sun and Neptune occurred 3 hours later. The fifth planetary conjunction occurred early on 11 August with Mercury, Earth and Neptune. With the planetary geometry some critical lunar conjunctions occurred on 8 (Saturn), 9 (Jupiter), 10 (Mars) and 11 (Neptune) August. Multiple warnings were issued for 10-14 August when at least one or two major tremors were expected to occur. In total 5 major tremors occurred from 11 to 14 August. It is one of the strongest clustering of major earthquakes in recent decades.

Obvious atmospheric fluctions were recorded (for the first time) near the longitude over the South Sandwhich Islands and the Caribbean.

#MoonJupiter #MoonMars #MoonNeptune


SSGI chart
SSGI COMMON graph of critical planetary (PG) and lunar (LG) geometry

SSGI chart
SSGI SUM graph of critical planetary (PG) geometry


Venus-Sun-Uranus          2021-08-07, 04:01:11   41°28'59"
Sun-Mercury-Mars          2021-08-09, 09:59:46  168°10'22"
Venus-Earth-Neptune       2021-08-10, 00:05:30  352°23'03"
Mercury-Sun-Neptune       2021-08-10, 03:12:33  351°16'09"
Mercury-Earth-Jupiter     2021-08-11, 01:07:10  328°05'35"
Mars-Sun-Neptune          2021-08-16, 13:22:32  351°18'29"

Mercury: Venus-Mars       2021-08-10, 07:05:35   90°00'00"
Sun:     Mercury-Saturn   2021-08-11, 01:22:49  135°00'00"
Sun:     Mercury-Uranus   2021-08-11, 09:22:59  135°00'00"
Earth:   Venus-Saturn     2021-08-11, 12:45:15  135°00'00"
Sun:     Venus-Earth      2021-08-12, 00:34:23   90°00'00"
Mercury: Venus-Neptune    2021-08-12, 05:12:43   90°00'00"
Venus:   Mercury-Neptune  2021-08-12, 18:33:30   90°00'00"
Sun:     Mercury-Earth    2021-08-13, 18:20:05  135°00'00"
Venus:   Earth-Uranus     2021-08-13, 20:03:08   45°00'00"
Sun:     Mercury-Venus    2021-08-14, 06:26:46   45°00'00"
Mercury: Venus-Uranus     2021-08-14, 15:41:55  135°00'00"
Venus:   Mercury-Uranus   2021-08-15, 05:59:21   45°00'00"
Sun:     Mercury-Jupiter  2021-08-15, 06:09:00  135°00'00"
Mercury: Venus-Saturn     2021-08-15, 09:44:00   45°00'00"
Venus:   Earth-Saturn     2021-08-15, 22:11:39   45°00'00"
Earth:   Venus-Uranus     2021-08-15, 23:56:12  135°00'00"
Venus:   Mercury-Saturn   2021-08-16, 14:57:41  135°00'00"
Sun:     Venus-Jupiter    2021-08-16, 15:29:27   90°00'00"

Moon-Earth-Saturn         2021-08-08, 01:13:10  309°27'11"
Earth-Moon-Sun            2021-08-08, 13:10:52  135°55'03"
Earth-Moon-Mercury        2021-08-09, 05:02:53  144°35'47"
Moon-Earth-Jupiter        2021-08-09, 11:44:26  328°17'26"
Earth-Moon-Mars           2021-08-10, 03:02:18  156°48'20"
Moon-Earth-Neptune        2021-08-11, 06:35:04  352°21'24"
Earth-Moon-Venus          2021-08-11, 09:32:17  174°02'19"
Moon-Earth-Uranus         2021-08-15, 00:40:03   44°29'05"

Earth:   Moon-Venus       2021-08-07, 16:10:52   45°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Neptune     2021-08-07, 21:26:46  135°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Uranus      2021-08-08, 10:27:31   90°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Saturn      2021-08-11, 09:49:58  135°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Uranus      2021-08-11, 19:02:32  135°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Sun         2021-08-12, 03:35:39   45°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Jupiter     2021-08-12, 18:20:53  135°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Mercury     2021-08-13, 01:09:14   45°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Mars        2021-08-13, 13:30:50   45°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Neptune     2021-08-14, 12:21:17  135°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Saturn      2021-08-14, 15:14:45   90°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Venus       2021-08-14, 22:32:03   45°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Sun         2021-08-15, 14:40:35   90°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Jupiter     2021-08-15, 22:47:10   90°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Mercury     2021-08-16, 17:19:39   90°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Mars        2021-08-16, 21:57:31   90°00'00"


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