Mw 6.6 Tonga
updated 25 November 2022

On 4 November 2019 a strong earthquake occurred at Tonga at a depth of 10 km. The seismic event occurred at 22:43:32 UTC and had an estimated moment magnitude (Mw) 6.6.

In the last week of October 2019 strong seismic activity already occurred in Mindanao, Philippines due to critical planetary and lunar geometry, which continued into the first week of November with two critical planetary conjunctions on 3-4 November and a convergence of right and semi-right angles on 2 November. A strong earthquake (Mw 6.1) occurred later on 2 November in the South Sandwich Islands Region, followed by four strong earthquakes on 4-5 November, peaking Mw 6.6 at Tonga.

#MoonJupiter #MoonSaturn #HighLunarPeak

Sun-Earth-Uranus          2019-10-28,  8:00:40   34°19'57"
Sun-Mercury-Neptune       2019-10-30, 21:25:44  347°20'29"
Venus-Mercury-Earth       2019-10-30, 21:51:29   57°19'44"
Sun-Venus-Jupiter         2019-11-03,  3:57:05  270°57'38"
Mercury-Sun-Mars          2019-11-04,  2:53:57  187°04'57"

Sun:     Mercury-Saturn   2019-10-28,  0:18:30   45°00'00"
Sun:     Mercury-Uranus   2019-10-31,  8:27:34   45°00'00"
Sun:     Mercury-Earth    2019-11-01,  4:57:18   45°00'00"
Mercury: Venus-Saturn     2019-11-02,  9:41:40   45°00'00"
Sun:     Mercury-Venus    2019-11-02, 17:16:52   90°00'00"
Sun:     Mercury-Jupiter  2019-11-02, 20:41:32   90°00'00"
Venus:   Mercury-Saturn   2019-11-03, 17:22:21  135°00'00"

Earth-Moon-Sun            2019-10-28,  3:16:31  214°08'08"
Moon-Earth-Uranus         2019-10-28,  3:36:28   34°20'24"
Earth-Moon-Venus          2019-10-29, 14:53:26  235°43'32"
Earth-Moon-Mercury        2019-10-29, 17:14:12  237°07'13"
Earth-Moon-Jupiter        2019-10-31, 14:07:59  263°00'31"
Earth-Moon-Saturn         2019-11-02,  7:03:18  285°15'10"

Earth:   Moon-Neptune     2019-10-31,  1:27:37   90°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Uranus      2019-10-31,  7:22:15  135°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Sun         2019-10-31, 13:18:56   45°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Neptune     2019-11-03, 12:57:54   45°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Uranus      2019-11-03, 19:20:16   90°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Jupiter     2019-11-04,  4:28:53   45°00'00"
SSGI chart
SSGI COMMON graph of critical planetary (PG) and lunar (LG) geometry

SSGI chart
SSGI SUM graph of critical planetary (PG) geometry