Mw 6.8 Acre, Brazil
updated 29 May 2022

On 5 January 2019 a strong earthquake occurred at Acre, Brazil at a depth of 590 km. The seismic event occurred at 19:25:39 UTC and had an estimated moment magnitude (Mw) 6.8.

While Earth lined up with the Sun and Saturn on 2 January, a high lunar peak (index 18) occurred on the 3rd, after which the earthquake occurred. A partial contributor to the lunar peak was the Moon's alignment with Jupiter.


Venus-Mercury-Saturn      2018-12-30,  3:01:31  283°26'09"
Mercury-Sun-Mars          2018-12-30,  8:13:25   40°27'12"
Earth-Sun-Saturn          2019-01-02,  5:52:23  281°16'12"

Moon-Earth-Uranus         2018-12-30, 22:25:30   28°21'32"
Earth-Moon-Venus          2019-01-01, 21:50:45  234°08'01"
Earth-Moon-Jupiter        2019-01-03,  7:48:26  252°00'06"
Earth-Moon-Mercury        2019-01-04, 17:02:14  269°05'17"
Earth-Moon-Saturn         2019-01-05, 17:57:22  281°41'03"
Earth-Moon-Sun            2019-01-06,  0:50:18  285°08'05"
SSGI chart
SSGI depiction of planetary (PG) and lunar (LG) geometry