Mw 7.4 Kermadec Islands Region
updated 24 October 2022

On 21 October 2011 a major earthquake occurred in the Kermadec Islands Region at a depth of 40 km. The seismic event occurred at 17:57:18 UTC and had an estimated moment magnitude (Mw) 7.4.

Critical planetary geometry occurred from 16 to 19 October, most notably Earth's alignment with Mercury and Jupiter later on the 17th. A first seismic increase occurred on the 18th. The major earthquake occurred with the next lunar peak on the 21st. Another major earthquake occurred two days later in Eastern Turkey.

An interesting part of the critical planetary geometry is the Sun-Mercury-Venus alignment on the 16th making 90° with Neptune.

#Mercury90 #Venus90

Venus-Earth-Jupiter       2011-10-14, 23:37:56   36°58'56"
Sun-Mercury-Venus         2011-10-16, 14:37:07  241°40'51"
Mercury-Earth-Jupiter     2011-10-17, 18:42:02   36°37'31"

Earth-Moon-Mars           2011-10-21, 19:50:26  139°01'27"

Mercury: Sun-Neptune      2011-10-16,  4:57:58   90°00'00"
Venus:   Sun-Neptune      2011-10-16,  5:16:08   90°00'00"
Venus:   Mercury-Neptune  2011-10-17, 19:17:16   90°00'00"
Mercury: Venus-Neptune    2011-10-18, 19:14:12   90°00'00"
Venus:   Mars-Uranus      2011-10-23, 12:27:50   90°00'00"
SSGI chart
SSGI COMMON graph of critical planetary (PG) and lunar (LG) geometry

SSGI chart
SSGI SUM graph of critical planetary (PG) geometry