Mw 8.0 Haida Gwaii Region, Canada
updated 9 November 2022

On 22 August 1949 a great earthquake occurred in the Haida Gwaii region, Canada (Queen Charlotte Islands) at a depth of 10 km. The seismic event occurred at 04:01:18 UTC and had an estimated moment magnitude (Mw) 8.0.

Critical planetary geometry occurred on 15-16 August when Mercury made 90° angles, in particular with Earth and Mars. Strong seismic activity occurred with the next lunar peak on 17-18 August in Turkey (Mw 6.8) and Costa Rica (Mw 6.1). On the 20th Venus made a 90° angle with Earth and Uranus, which was followed by a high lunar peak on the 21st when the Moon aligned conjunct Mars and opposite Jupiter within 8 hours. The great earthquake occurred shortly after the high lunar peak.

#HighLunarPeak #MoonMars #MoonJupiter #Mercury90 #Venus90

Sun:     Mercury-Jupiter  1949-08-15, 22:17:42   90°00'00"
Mercury: Earth-Mars       1949-08-16, 19:13:17   90°00'00"
Mercury: Sun-Jupiter      1949-08-17, 12:28:42   90°00'00"

Venus:   Earth-Uranus     1949-08-20, 13:00:26   90°00'00"
Earth:   Venus-Uranus     1949-08-23, 21:14:39   90°00'00"

Earth-Moon-Uranus         1949-08-20,  4:42:37   94°35'32"
Earth-Moon-Mars           1949-08-21,  7:55:05  109°55'57"
Moon-Earth-Jupiter        1949-08-21, 15:26:44  294°16'44"

Earth:   Moon-Venus       1949-08-19, 20:09:28   90°00'00"
SSGI chart
SSGI depiction of planetary (PG) and lunar (LG) geometry

SSGI chart
SSGI SUM graph of critical planetary (PG) geometry