Mw 8.0 Andaman Islands, India region

updated 14 December 2022


On 26 June 1941 a great earthquake occurred in the Andaman Islands, India region at a depth of 20 km. The seismic event occurred at 11:52:04 UTC and had an estimated moment magnitude (Mw) 8.0.

The estimated primary trigger for this seismic event is the Mars-Earth-Neptune conjunction on 23 June, which resulted in critical lunar right angles with both outer planets within half an hour on 24 June. This geometry is comparable to the planetary and lunar geometry that preceded the great earthquakes on 11 April 2012.

#tsunami #MoonSaturn #MoonUranus #MoonJupiter #NewMoon #MoonMars #MoonNeptune #olra


SSGI chart
SSGI COMMON graph of critical planetary (PG) and lunar (LG) geometry

SSGI chart
SSGI SUM graph of critical planetary (PG) geometry


Venus-Mercury-Earth       1941-06-20, 18:15:52  286°27'27"
Mars-Earth-Neptune        1941-06-23, 19:06:50  175°48'48"

Earth-Moon-Saturn         1941-06-21, 15:05:24   54°12'53"
Earth-Moon-Uranus         1941-06-22,  0:41:39   58°59'54"
Earth-Moon-Jupiter        1941-06-22, 16:51:05   67°05'44"
Earth-Moon-Sun            1941-06-24, 21:00:07   93°44'37"
Earth-Moon-Mercury        1941-06-25, 18:59:17  105°14'02"
Earth-Moon-Venus          1941-06-26, 10:25:29  113°23'36"

Earth:   Moon-Neptune     1941-06-24,  5:39:41   90°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Mars        1941-06-24,  6:11:54   90°00'00"

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