Mw 7.3 Charleston, South Carolina
updated 31 August 2021

On 1 September 1886 a major earthquake occurred at Charleston, South Carolina. The seismic event occurred at 02:51 UTC and had an estimated moment magnitude (Mw) 7.3. It was an intraplate earthquake in a region not known to produce major earthquakes.

On 26 and 27 August 1886 Mercury lined up heliocentrically with Uranus and Jupiter respectively. Four days later the Moon lined up with both planets within three hours, resulting in a high lunar peak on the 31st reaching index 19. The earthquake occurred at the end of the peak. In addition, Venus made critical geometry on 30-31 December.

#HighLunarPeak, #MoonJupiter

Mars-Mercury-Neptune      1886-08-25,  3:40:41   58°02'10"
Mercury-Sun-Uranus        1886-08-26, 13:01:31  189°14'31"
Mercury-Sun-Jupiter       1886-08-27, 14:26:51  194°40'34"
Sun-Venus-Saturn          1886-09-03,  6:38:32  105°51'39"

Earth-Moon-Saturn         1886-08-26, 11:28:57  110°04'29"
Earth-Moon-Venus          1886-08-27, 22:02:53  131°25'46"
Earth-Moon-Mercury        1886-08-28, 11:54:10  140°08'36"
Earth-Moon-Sun            1886-08-29, 15:44:39  157°46'17"
Earth-Moon-Uranus         1886-08-31, 15:36:23  187°49'17"
Earth-Moon-Jupiter        1886-08-31, 18:39:33  189°42'18"
Earth-Moon-Mars           1886-09-02, 19:45:03  219°07'52"

Sun:     Venus-Uranus     1886-08-30,  5:16:16   90°00'00"
Venus:   Sun-Uranus       1886-08-31, 14:50:54   90°00'00"
SSGI chart
SSGI COMMON graph of critical planetary (PG) geometry

SSGI chart
SSGI SUM graph of critical planetary (PG) geometry