Mw 6.8 Washington

updated 15 December 2022


On 15 December 1872 a strong earthquake occurred in Washington. The seismic event occurred at 05:40:30 UTC and had an estimated moment magnitude (Mw) 6.8.

The estimated primary trigger of this seismic event is a convergence of a planetary conjunction and right angle plus a lunar conjunction on 10 December, followed by a lunar conjunction with the Sun (Full Moon) early on 15 December 1872.

On 10 December 1872 a critical planetary conjunction Venus-Mercury-Jupiter converged with a critical planetary right angle of Venus with Earth and Neptune, and a lunar conjunction, also with Neptune. The next lunar peak occurred on 13 December, two days before the earthquake.

#FullMoon #Cascadia #Cascades #Vancouver


SSGI chart
SSGI COMMON graph of critical planetary (PG) and lunar (LG) geometry

SSGI chart
SSGI SUM graph of critical planetary (PG) geometry


Venus-Mercury-Jupiter     1872-12-10, 18:47:29  146°26'29"
Sun-Mercury-Earth         1872-12-16, 10:57:12   86°39'11"

Sun:     Mercury-Uranus   1872-12-08,  1:26:28   90°00'00"
Sun:     Venus-Earth      1872-12-09,  1:25:59   90°00'00"
Sun:     Venus-Uranus     1872-12-09, 15:13:28  135°00'00"
Venus:   Earth-Neptune    1872-12-10, 22:38:31   90°00'00"
Sun:     Mercury-Jupiter  1872-12-11,  2:31:38   90°00'00"
Venus:   Mars-Neptune     1872-12-12, 18:48:21  135°00'00"
Sun:     Mercury-Mars     1872-12-13, 11:06:20   90°00'00"
Sun:     Mercury-Saturn   1872-12-13, 17:39:19  135°00'00"
Sun:     Mercury-Neptune  1872-12-14,  3:23:37   45°00'00"
Sun:     Mercury-Uranus   1872-12-15, 10:06:33   45°00'00"
Venus:   Mercury-Saturn   1872-12-15, 16:18:25  135°00'00"
Mercury: Venus-Saturn     1872-12-17,  4:20:21   45°00'00"
Sun:     Mercury-Venus    1872-12-17,  8:34:21   90°00'00"

Moon-Earth-Mars           1872-12-09,  4:58:26  189°34'54"
Earth-Moon-Neptune        1872-12-10,  9:17:20   25°27'26"
Moon-Earth-Sun            1872-12-15,  1:25:13  265°13'53"
Moon-Earth-Mercury        1872-12-15,  7:16:34  268°14'08"
Moon-Earth-Saturn         1872-12-17,  6:41:26  292°13'33"

Earth:   Moon-Mars        1872-12-12, 18:29:55  135°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Jupiter     1872-12-13,  7:10:33   90°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Saturn      1872-12-13, 13:58:22  135°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Neptune     1872-12-13, 20:50:06   45°00'00"

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