Mw 8.2 North Island of New Zealand
updated 25 November 2022

On 23 January 1855 a great earthquake occurred at North Island of New Zealand at a depth of 33 km. The seismic event occurred at 08:17 UTC and had an estimated moment magnitude (Mw) 8.2.

On 18 January 1855 the planetary conjunction Earth-Venus-Jupiter coincided with critical lunar conjunctions with Jupiter and the Sun (New Moon). Additional lunar conjunctions occurred on 19 and 21 January with Mars and Neptune, the latter of which was significant as the very critical planetary conjunction Mercury-Venus-Neptune (compare 2018, 2019, 2021) was near (within 2°) at this time and became exact on 24 January, which was the second time in 10 days. In addition, critical planetary geometry clustered on 20-21 January with right and semi-right angles, primarily involving Mercury. Critical lunar semi-right angles occurred on 16, 18 and 22 January.

#MoonMars #MoonJupiter #HighLunarPeak #NewMoon

Mercury-Venus-Neptune     1855-01-14,  6:23:10  348°08'57"
Earth-Venus-Jupiter       1855-01-18, 22:22:10  309°04'50"
Sun-Mercury-Jupiter       1855-01-23, 12:11:33  311°09'36"
Mercury-Venus-Neptune     1855-01-24, 16:49:42  347°50'48"
Earth-Mercury-Jupiter     1855-01-25, 17:41:10  310°41'41"

Sun:     Venus-Uranus     1855-01-16, 18:21:26   90°00'00"
Mercury: Earth-Mars       1855-01-19,  6:50:00  135°00'00"
Mercury: Saturn-Neptune   1855-01-20,  7:52:48   90°00'00"
Sun:     Mercury-Saturn   1855-01-20, 11:09:23  135°00'00"
Sun:     Mercury-Neptune  1855-01-20, 20:32:32   45°00'00"
Mercury: Earth-Neptune    1855-01-21,  5:25:46  135°00'00"
Mercury: Earth-Saturn     1855-01-21,  7:35:01   45°00'00"
Mercury: Venus-Earth      1855-01-22,  1:43:22  135°00'00"
Mercury: Venus-Saturn     1855-01-23, 22:01:32   90°00'00"
Sun:     Mercury-Uranus   1855-01-25,  8:31:06   90°00'00"

Earth-Moon-Mercury        1855-01-18,  9:19:06  298°13'05"
Earth-Moon-Sun            1855-01-18, 11:59:58  299°55'47"
Earth-Moon-Jupiter        1855-01-19,  2:23:41  309°07'13"
Earth-Moon-Venus          1855-01-19,  2:41:12  309°18'23"
Earth-Moon-Mars           1855-01-19, 17:54:36  318°59'32"
Earth-Moon-Neptune        1855-01-21, 13:27:01  346°06'56"

Earth:   Moon-Jupiter     1855-01-16,  1:58:14   45°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Uranus      1855-01-16, 12:12:35  135°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Mars        1855-01-16, 15:06:12   45°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Saturn      1855-01-18,  6:27:42  135°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Neptune     1855-01-18, 13:43:13   45°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Uranus      1855-01-19, 11:11:11   90°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Saturn      1855-01-21,  5:33:07   90°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Jupiter     1855-01-22,  3:55:28   45°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Venus       1855-01-22,  9:59:26   45°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Uranus      1855-01-22, 12:07:57   45°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Mars        1855-01-22, 23:48:23   45°00'00"
SSGI chart
SSGI COMMON graph of critical planetary (PG) and lunar (LG) geometry

SSGI chart
SSGI SUM graph of critical planetary (PG) geometry

planets on 18 January 1855
planets on 18 January 1855