Mw 8.6 Crete, Greece

updated 26 May 2023


On 21 July 365 a great earthquake occurred at the southwest coast of Crete, Greece. The seismic event occurred at sunrise. Based on the amount of uplift of western Crete, the estimated minimum magnitude is 8.5. According to the Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus the shaking started slightly after daybreak.

The estimated primary trigger of this seismic event is a convergence of critical planetary and lunar geometry on 17-18 July 365.

On 14 July the planetary conjunction Mercury-Earth-Neptune coincided with the two lunar conjunctions Moon-Earth-Mars and Earth-Moon-Saturn, as Earth was closely between Mars and Saturn and their conjunction occurred on 17 July. Meanwhile, opposing lunar right angles occurred on 15 July with Uranus and Neptune, which were on opposite sides of the Solar System. Similar geometry occurred on 21 July with Mars and Saturn. On 18 July four lunar semi-right angles converged involving the same four outer planets. While geometry was critical on 14 and 17 July, which probably caused at least strong seismic activity, the direct trigger of the great earthquake was undoubtedly Earth's position relative to the outer planets Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, which resulted in a convergence of very critical lunar geometry on the 18th. Finally, on 19 July, the lunar conjunction Moon-Earth-Jupiter occurred and the earthquake occurred in the morning of 21 July, next to Full Moon.

#MoonJupiter #FullMoon #megathrust #tsunami #olra #lsra


SSGI chart
SSGI COMMON graph of critical planetary (PG) and lunar (LG) geometry

SSGI chart
SSGI SUM graph of critical planetary (PG) geometry


Earth-Mercury-Uranus      365-07-11, 11:03:52  148°23'25"
Mercury-Earth-Neptune     365-07-14,  2:04:57  332°48'13"
Mars-Earth-Saturn         365-07-17,  3:07:44  233°43'24"

Sun:     Mercury-Saturn    365-07-11, 10:32:58   45°00'00"
Sun:     Mercury-Uranus    365-07-11, 10:43:11   45°00'00"
Sun:     Mercury-Neptune   365-07-12,  6:22:21  135°00'00"
Venus:   Saturn-Uranus     365-07-12,  9:42:37   90°00'00"
Venus:   Mercury-Mars      365-07-12, 20:22:11   90°00'00"
Mercury: Earth-Saturn      365-07-12, 22:39:37   90°00'00"
Sun:     Venus-Earth       365-07-14, 16:45:23   45°00'00"
Sun:     Mercury-Jupiter   365-07-14, 19:16:06   90°00'00"
Mercury: Earth-Jupiter     365-07-16,  3:04:44  135°00'00"
Mercury: Mars-Uranus       365-07-16, 10:20:40  135°00'00"
Mercury: Mars-Saturn       365-07-18,  8:24:32  135°00'00"
Mercury: Mars-Neptune      365-07-20, 11:27:02   45°00'00"
Sun:     Venus-Mars        365-07-22,  1:57:07   90°00'00"

Moon-Earth-Mars            365-07-14, 13:27:28   52°09'16"
Earth-Moon-Saturn          365-07-14, 16:09:36  233°40'47"
Moon-Earth-Jupiter         365-07-19, 17:42:30  119°47'07"
Moon-Earth-Sun             365-07-21, 10:48:08  141°01'53"

Earth:   Moon-Uranus       365-07-15,  0:55:16   90°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Neptune      365-07-15,  8:21:43   90°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Saturn       365-07-18,  2:02:30   45°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Mars         365-07-18,  3:07:56  135°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Uranus       365-07-18, 11:31:06  135°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Neptune      365-07-18, 18:46:17   45°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Saturn       365-07-21, 16:17:39   90°00'00"
Earth:   Moon-Mars         365-07-21, 21:42:58   90°00'00"


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